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Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Organizes ‘Clean Hike Together’ Event Under ‘Environment and Climate Week’

eman momani20 أكتوبر 2022آخر تحديث : منذ سنتين
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Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Organizes ‘Clean Hike Together’ Event Under ‘Environment and Climate Week’
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Amman, 20October2022:Emphasizing efforts to mitigate the devastating effects of pollution and raise awareness on climate action amongst the Jordanian public, Agencefrançaise de développement(AFD) and Treks Jo organizedan event titled ‘Clean Hike Together’. Held on Friday 14 October at the Wasfi Al Tal Forest, the eventcorresponded with the first nationwide ‘Environment and Climate Week’ – which is spearheaded by the Ministry of Environment of Jordan.

The event brought together 95 participants who hiked and collected approximately 100 garbagebags from the location highlighting the instrumental role of collaboration and teamwork in positively impacting the environmentand making a tangible difference in the world, while promoting the importance of physical activity.

The first edition of Environment and Climate Weektook place during the first 10 days of October, drawing the involvement of 39 partners and featuring a total of 47 events. These encompassedcleanup campaigns, workshops, exhibitions, theater shows, clothes swaps, awareness sessions, cooking classes, fashion shows, crafts, games and other activities.


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